The Sorcerer's Apprentice is an upcoming 2010 Disney family adventure film directed by Jon Turteltaub, produced by Jerry Bruckheimer and starring Nicolas Cage and Jay Baruchel. It is a live action re-imagining of the Sorcerer's Apprentice segment in Disney's Fantasia, which in turn is based on the late 1890s symphonic poem by Paul Dukas and 1797 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ballad. The film is set to be released on July 16, 2010. An average college student (Jay Baruchel) is reluctantly recruited to work for a sorcerer (Nicolas Cage), who gives him a crash course in the art and science of magic to prepare him for a battle against the forces of darkness in modern Manhattan.
- Nicolas Cage plays a sorcerer named Balthazar Blake.
- Jay Baruchel plays Dave Stutler, an average college student who becomes Blake's apprentice.
- Teresa Palmer plays the love interest of Baruchel's character.
- Alfred Molina plays an evil magician named Maxim Horvath.
- Fahad Khan plays a fruit seller in rural India who Balthazar runs into.
- Toby Kebbell plays a celebrity illusionist named Drake Stone, who joins forces with Horvath.
- Monica Bellucci plays a sorceress named Veronica, the long-lost love of Balthazar Blake.
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